Boosting Confidence and Performance
Hypnotherapy can improve and enhance an individual’s mental attitude by removing anxieties and boosting confidence. Many people use hypnosis to maintain composure, overcome distractions and fears and gain confidence in their ability.
Some areas where hypnotherapy can help boost your confidence in your performance:
Building confidence
Social Anxiety
Lack of confidence
Public speaking
Driving test nerves
Low self-esteem
Pre-test nerves
Exam pressures
Hypnotherapy is used in Sports Performance too. The brain can’t distinguish between physically doing something or imagining doing it so visualising winning a competition, making that amazing shot, or crossing the finish line in record time can help tune your mind for success.
How do you boost confidence and how long will it take?
In your consultation, we will evaluate what challenges you are facing and then use a combination of techniques to help you resolve it, gradually building up your confidence and your ability to stay calm.